Monthly Archives: June 2014

Vintage Masters

Well, I have actually been able to play Magic a little here and there online. The release of Vintage Masters has given me the extra incentive to actually try and juggle three kids’ bedtime and a sealed deck…. And a draft.

So far I’ve had a good experience with #mtgovm (Twitter ftw), winning a sealed deck and an 8-4 draft, but losing a couple others. I got a Mox Emerald, which is really the one piece of power I was looking for.

My strategy is simple. Wait until all three kids are asleep, then double-queue. And it would’ve worked, too, if my infant daughter had the desire to sleep. She woke up screaming at the top of her lungs last night just as I entered the finals of an 8-4. Have you ever tried to do combat math while an infant screamed guttural soul-searing bellows into your inner ear? It’s a fun time.

It turned out that all she needed was some milk… And for daddy to lose that draft. 😉 She slept quite soundly after I took my beatings on the battlefield.

It’s all good, though, it was getting late and I probably should have been sleeping myself. I have until July 2 to get my Mox Groove on!!

Have a good time with Vintage Masters, and may you always draw the Lotus in your opener.