Monthly Archives: October 2013

Recent Happenings

It’s been a while since I have posted anything, mostly due to tilt and real life. The tilting part has to do with my abysmal performance at GP Detroit (1-2-1, drop, 3-0 side event draft) as well as my general dislike of all formats of everything prior to Theros’s release.

Theros brought with it some nice flavor, but it is really shaking up Standard in some crazy ways. I have officially been priced out of playing the physical cardboard version of the game and am running online now. I have some Standard decks together and hope that they perform well in the long-run. Naya Midrange (or Selesnya Aggro) and Red/Green Domri Aggro are my two choices. Right now the Domri deck is performing well, but the mono-black devotion deck is a very tough matchup.

As I write this I am two more days away from having another baby enter the world. Wish me luck and here’s to hoping that I play Magic again someday! 🙂