Monthly Archives: March 2013

I Have Got a Long Way to Go

Well, it’s been nearly four days since I started my MOCS quest. As of right now I am sitting at 3 QPs for season 4:








As you can see, I fell quite a bit short in the previous three seasons. Seeing these numbers tends to motivate me, though.

When I’m done with this endeavor, pass or fail, I’m going to post a cool graphic of all my QPs and how I got them. It should be some great fun! Here’s the first one:

This draft was acceptable. :)

This draft was acceptable. 🙂

Can You Qualify for the MOCS on a Budget?


The Magic Online Championship Series (MOCS, pronounced “mox”) is currently in Season 4 (Mar 20 – Apr 17). I have been meddling with the idea of qualifying for the end-of-season tournament for a while now, only ever getting close a few seasons last year. But this season I’m going for it (while on a budget)!! My plan is to play the following formats: Standard, Pauper, RTR Block, Modern, and GTC Draft.

My main problem is that I spend zero dollars of actual real money on Magic Online. So I don’t have enough of a collection to build all sorts of decks and roll with the metagame (which changes weekly, if not daily). Nor do i really have the resources to build a tier 1 deck in all formats, which is what you really need in order to make it easier to qualify.

Sure, some people can probably qualify just by grinding drafts, but I don’t necessarily have the skill to win every draft I play in for the next three weeks. I’ve decided to play in 4-3-2-2s because for some reason I win those all the time but I struggle with 8-4s and Swiss drafts. Since I am not the best drafter or deckbuilder in the world, I will stick with what works. 🙂

So, for some fun tracking purposes, I started my quest to qualify for the MOCS on 3/25/13.  I began this quest with 0 tickets, 2 Gatecrash packs, and 0 Qualifier Points. I sold some cards to get started (like Thragtusks, which are $$$ at the moment) and as of writing this post I have 7 GTC packs and 33 tickets, and 2 Qualifier Points.

The decks I have managed to cobble together with my budget include RG Aggro in Standard, Mono-Green Aggro in Pauper, Red Deck Wins in RTR Block, and GruulZoo in Modern.  Sense a theme there?  Yeah, I like aggro decks. I’ll be posting up the lists next time so you can see my weapons of choice in all their budget-friendly glory (or lack thereof).

Also, if anyone has some cheap Tarmogoyfs or Zendikar fetch-lands please message me in-game. I have zero ‘Goyfs, zero Arid Mesas, and zero Verdant Catacombs, but need four of each. Ugh! MTGO Username: 88trample. See you online!

3/28/13 – QP’s: 2