Abandoning Wakefield

So I’m done playing mono-green. It’s not terrible, but it’s not great either. I’m done playing Jund. It’s simply too random to be effective for me. Most games that I lose, I can’t even point to a misplay or misclick or mistake I made, it simply comes down to the mana or the spells. Sometimes you cascade into a Maelstrom Pulse on an empty board and you have no target. Sometimes you simply draw 10-15 lands. These things happen and they seem to be out of my control when playing MTGO.

Don’t get me wrong, Jamie Wakefield is awesome. He does his own thing and writes about it very well. I enjoy his articles. But I also need to do my own thing. I noticed the other day that I just have more fun when I’m playing my own brews. So that’s what I’ll do.

I’m not saying Jund is a bad deck. Obviously it is the most consistent deck in the format. But I would argue that it’s not consistent for any one person. I’ve had amazing finishes with Jund and I’ve had absolute crap ones. It’s just so random. Let’s not even get started on Cascade. Can you build your deck to only cascade into creatures with Vengevine? Sure you can! But you’re also significantly reducing your deck’s power level by not playing cards like O-Ring, Path to Exile, or Lightning Bolt.

I think for now I’m going to chill out, and run some drafts. My last ROE draft saw me opening Vengevine and winning 4 packs. Not too shabby. I’ll probably slum it up in the 4-3-2-2 queues for a while and see where that gets me as I’m absolutely sick of standard at the moment. The only constructed play I’m planning on doing is messing around with Naya builds like the one Kelly Reid posted a few days ago. Fun!

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